Expanded Newborn Screening

For Healthcare Providers

Screening Process

Blood Sampling

Newborn screening should be conducted only after parents have received a complete explanation of the process and only when parental agreement has been obtained using the screening application form. Please use the designated expanded newborn screening filter paper for blood samples collected at 4-6 days after birth. It is recommended that blood samples be taken at 4 days of age.

Postal Submission

After drying the filter paper blood sample, please ship to lab within 24 hours of collection.


Specimen is tested and data entry begins upon arrival. Results are returned in approximately two weeks to the medical institution indicated on the application form.

Screening Results
  • Normal

    No follow-up testing.

  • Re-screening

    Screening is conducted again to confirm the results. No further charge is levied in this case (although there is a fee for blood samples).

  • Detailed Testing

    Please direct parents to consult a “specialist medical facility” capable of performing detailed testing for the relevant disorder(s). This Association provides information about specialist medical institutions.

<Please be sure to strictly observe the following points, as they can affect the test values.>
Blood Sampling
  • Blood drops should be applied directly from the heel to the filter paper.
  • Do not perform blood sampling using heparin-coated capillary tubes.
Postal Submission
  • After blood sampling and drying, the combined filter paper and application form should be dispatched by mail within 24 hours.

  • Image of the combined filter paper and application form

  • Image of the designated envelope

Expanded Newborn Screening FAQs

Screening in General


Blood Sample Collection Method

Dispatch of the Screening Paper

Screening results

  • Q. When will screening results be available?

    A. Results will be returned to the medical institution marked on the application and blood sample filter paper about two weeks after receipt.

  • Q. Can you respond to questions or inquiries from parents?

    A. The Tokyo Health Service Association is unable to respond to inquiries from parents. We request that the medical institution the collected the blood sample handle the presentation of results to parents as well as any inquiries, etc. regarding screening.

  • Q. In cases where a particular medical institution conducts screening in multiple departments, such as an obstetrics wing and a neonatal care unit, to which will results be returned?

    A.  In such cases, results will be returned to the recorded “Name of Medical Institution (Point of Contact for Results Return)” as per the received application form and blood sample filter paper.

  • Q. How are positive results to be handled?

    A. In cases marked “Positive = Designated for Detailed Testing,” the Association will make telephone contact with the medical institution that collected the blood sample, and will mail out a written report as quickly as possible. The medical institution should then contact the parents immediately, present the screening results, and recommend consultation with a specialist medical institution capable of performing detailed testing. The Association can provide information on medical institutions capable of diagnosis with respect to the disorder(s) identified. In the case of “Repeat Testing,” results will be mailed in about two weeks to the medical institution that collected the blood sample (no telephone contact will be made). Regardless of the situation, the Association will never contact parents in any form including by telephone, in writing, via email, etc.

Point of Contact for Expanded Newborn Screening

Regional/School Health Programs Section

Tel 03-3269-1131
E-Mail info_nbs2@yobouigaku-tokyo.jp
